God is speaking to Joshua. Moses is dead, and Joshua is the person God has appointed to succeed him as leader. Moses' task was to bring the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. His work was done. Joshua will lead God's people into the Promised Land.
What I receive - loud and clear - from this reflection is that God is in charge. The Israelites didn't always do what was right in God's eyes, yet God did not abandon them. He had a plan for them, and He brought His plan to fulfilment.
I believe that God has a plan for every believer who comes to Him through Jesus. I receive His word from Jeremiah that His plans will prosper and not harm. His plans are for good. I may not always act in compliance with His will; I may not always do what He would have me do; I may not always please or delight Him. Yet the nature of God, and not my nature, determines the outcome of His will in my life.
I suggest that God has a "Promised Land" for every believer. I can co- operate with Him and, like Joshua, respond positively to His leading and His guiding. I may not always get it right, but I can believe that God has only the best for me. I can give myself fully into His care, and I can allow Him to take full control.
Lord God,
I am reminded that You have a plan and purposes for my life. I believe Your plan will continue to unfold for me, for as long as I live. I give myself to the fullness of Your plan for me. I acknowledge that my desire is for You, and not me, to be in control. May Your purposes for me unfold with each passing day. Please have Your way in me and, I say again, don't let me get in the way. Amen.
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