Jesus is speaking; God is talking. While Jesus addresses the disciples, I hear God speaking to me. He is telling me my needs will be provided for, but He is also saying that I have a part to play. I must ask. If I do I can expect that it will be given to me. If I seek, I will find. And if I knock, the door will be opened.
Of course, I am mindful that God is God, I am not! And so, in my asking, my seeking, and my knocking, let me be aware that God will answer in His way - and in His time. The answer I receive may not be the answer that I hope for. Yet I trust God, and I believe what He brings to me will be for my benefit. This may not be immediately clear to me. I have had experiences where it has taken a considerable time for me to see that God's action for me is the right one. Yet, time and again,
I have been able to say, 'Now I see why God did ...' Or 'Now I know why God allowed ...'
My relationship with God assures me that His concern is for my well-being - pure and simple. (Rom. 8.31) God is good and His goodness works for the good to me. (Rom. 8.28)
I do not need deep and lengthy searches to see God's goodness. I believe I experience it every day. I don't always understand it, but I trust God and I know that His love is for me and for my well-being. God's love is expressed through His goodness, His care, His understanding, His mercy, and His grace.
Jesus' invitation to ask, to seek, and to knock at the door is open to anyone who will respond to Him. How good is this!
Lord God,
I thank You for Your goodness. I thank You for the many times You have worked for the good in my life. I accept Jesus' invitation to ask, to seek, and to knock.
I pray for any who may be in need at this time. I ask that You alert them, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to the out working of Your goodness in their lives if they ask, seek or knock.
I give my gratitude to You for Your constant presence in my life. Thank You. I bless You. Amen.
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