If events of interest to my readers occur in this time, I will share them. Otherwise I will continue with posts from my prayer journal.
"If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete." John 15.10,11
The instruction is simple. Many of the encouragements I receive from Jesus are simple, simple but not always easy to live out. I might say that the commands of Jesus encapsulate the essence of the Christian life: Love God with every fibre of your being, with all that you are. And love your neighbour as you would wish to be loved yourself. Simple, isn't it, but not easy to fulfil.
So, what can I do in applying myself to obey the commands of Jesus? Firstly, and without doubt, I look to Him. Jesus is the perfect example of obedience to God. As I read His story in the Gospels, I receive clear guidance and direction. I note how Jesus looked upon people with compassion. I interpret compassion as entering into, and sharing, their situation. This may be a place of trial and difficulty for them. It might explain adverse our contrary behaviour, and it might bring a better measure of understanding to me.
Jesus tells me that as I walk in obedience to His commands, so I remain in His love. My desire is to remain always in His love. I may never fully deserve it, but He gives it freely. My earnest efforts in living to His commands are the way to go.
And there is a further reward - the joy of Jesus will be with me. If I stop for a moment to merely consider the joy of Jesus, I am filled with excitement and expectation. His joy, His amazing, exquisite joy will be with me. O, Hallelujah! In His joy, my own joy will be complete. This speaks to me of union, my joining with Him in intimacy and completeness. I will know His joy; it will be reflected in my joy; I may be one with Him - what joy indeed this is!
Precious Lord Jesus,
I thrill to hear You offer me the fullness of my joy in You. I understand the need for me to give myself in obedience to Your commands. I endeavour to do this, but I seek Your help and the input of the Holy Spirit. Help me, please, to follow the Father's way for me, You know it so well. Journey with me, alongside me, through today and every day. I ask this in Your most powerful name. Amen.
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