Monday, 12 June 2017

Poured out

But even if I am being poured out as a libation over the sacrifice and the offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you…                              Phil. 2.17

Libation is actually the pouring of liquid in a religious offering, or the liquid so poured. Paul is suggesting he is being poured forth as the Philippians sacrifice in the offering of their faith.

I see this as a sign of the depth of relationship between them. Paul is not always present with them in bodily form. Yet he is ever present in spirit. He joins with them in faith. As they make their sacrifice and offering so he gives himself. This presents to me as the most wonderful union and communion, within the Christian body.

Commitment to Christ spawns commitment to others. As I live with Him and for Him, so I embrace others, and must be willing to do so, whoever He leads me to, or leads to me.

I think back to the people I met on my Camino walks. What beautiful people they were. I didn’t choose them, they simply appeared. And so it is throughout life. People wander into our journey. Some stay for a long time, others visit briefly. In all cases, we have an opportunity to connect, to share, and likely gain something most precious from the encounter.

Like Paul, I can be glad and rejoice with those I meet.

Lord God,

I am thankful for the people I meet on this journey through life. Many, likely all, of my meetings are ordained by You. I pray for those I come into contact with. May I be able to connect with them in a good and Godly way. May I, overtly or otherwise, share with them the joy in Christ that Paul knew.                   Amen.

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