“This will
give you an opportunity to testify.”
Luke 21.13
The circumstances
in which I will have opportunity to testify are none too encouraging.
Jesus has
spoken firstly of wars and insurrections. He says, “Nation will rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom.” (v10) He prophesies great earthquakes,
and famines and plagues in certain places.
But it is
before these things that He sees the opportunity given to us to testify. And
the conditions that give rise to this opportunity are persecution and
imprisonment and challenges by the authorities. This is the background to
He further
tells me not to prepare any defence in advance. I could find this scary. I
choose not to be fearful, however, because He tells me that He will give me “words
and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or
contradict.” (v15) This is enough for me.
I do not
relish the prospect of betrayal, whether it be by brothers, relatives or
friends(v16). I do not look forward to the hatred I might receive and I
certainly don’t relish the prospect of death. (vv16,17)
But I receive His
assurance that not a hair of my head will perish, and my endurance will gain my
soul (vv18,19). And I hold on to my faith!
Lord Jesus,
There is nothing that can happen to me that You have
not experienced, that You will not be aware of, and that You cannot lead me
through. I give You all my concerns, and my fear. Yes, I will be nervous and fearful,
I know this. But I also know that You are with me, and You will not abandon me.
This is the greater reality. Help me to remember this, and to hold to it at all
times, especially reaching out to You in those moments of difficulty. You are
there for me, and I thank You. May my testimony honour You. Amen.
My book “God Talk” is available through major
Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in
the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").
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