all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty
has put in all she had to live on.” Luke 21.4
It is not too
difficult to give a little when we have much, but the widow gave all she
had to live on. What a witness! I am challenged to consider how much I give or,
indeed, how much I am prepared to give.
But this is not
what draws my attention today. I am more captivated by Jesus’ focus. He saw the
rich people give of their gifts. I wonder if this was done with ostentation,
for it appears to have first captured His attention. Yet, thankfully, He did
not stop there, for: he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper
coins. (v2)
This is what
speaks to me now. Jesus noticed! The widow’s act might have appeared without
any significance whatsoever to the ordinary onlooker. Like Jesus, the man or
woman in the street might have noticed the giving of the rich, but simply not
seen the widow, and certainly not understood the depth and impact of her
giving. But Jesus saw. Not only did He see, He understood the truth of her
offering, and He raised it to its rightful place, above the giving of the rich,
whose gifts were partial.
Jesus sees every
small act, and He recognises its true value. However small, if the sacrifice is
great, this is what Jesus sees. I thank God for this revelation. It is so
encouraging. There are times when I may be tempted not to do a certain thing,
thinking it irrelevant or of no significance. Today’s reflection reminds me
that every small act has meaning for God. Let me not forget.
Gracious Lord,
Thank You for showing me that You notice even
the smallest act of charity. Thank You for the encouragement I get from this.
Let me be willing to carry out even the smallest acts in love, and in gratitude
to You. Amen.
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