Monday, 6 February 2017

Need, or faith!

Then Jesus told them about their need to pray always and not to lose heart.
                                                                                                                              Luke 18.1

The story of the widow who persists in her request to the judge is often presented as an encouragement to persevere in prayer. But dogged persistence borne fully out of our need is not enough. I believe Jesus gives a stronger incentive to pray with His final words of this narrative: “And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (v8)

We need to pray always, not because we have a need that we are desperate to see fulfilled, but because we have faith that God will hear us constantly crying out to Him. May He not delay long in helping us, and may He quickly grant justice! We demonstrate faith in the practice of continuous and persistent prayer. And, I sense, the evidence of this faith will be people praying when the Son of Man returns to earth.

But what of those times when constant prayer does not seem to be answered? I have known of instances when the answer comes after many years, even decades. So, there is need to persist. I have myself experienced a seeming “miscarriage of justice” when I felt that God denied me a just outcome. Yet, when I calmly reviewed the situation, I saw how justice had, indeed, prevailed – but it was God’s justice, and not mine!

I see key words in the verse quoted being: not to lose heart. It is faith that will keep me focused on God. It is faith that will get me through. Faith will keep my heart healthy.

Lord God,

I join with the man who said, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.” I ask for an increase in faith. And may Your Spirit lead me to constant prayer, and strength of heart. I ask these things, believing, in Jesus’ name.              Amen.

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