they were talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them,
“Peace be with you.” Luke 24.36
This verse
occurs in a narrative that surely covers a time of much upheaval and confusion.
The disciples would have been reeling from the cruel and sudden death of their
leader. And what of their hopes? This was to have been the Saviour of the
world, and now he is dead. But then come reports of some having seen the risen
Christ. The two disciples just returned from Emmaus tell how He walked so far
with them and they didn’t even recognise Him, that is, until He broke bread
with them.
In the midst
of this anxious reaction, and the reports that seem incredulous but which they
doubtless yearned to believe, Jesus Himself appears. And His first words bring
all the reassurance they need, “Peace be with you.”
When Jesus is
truly present, peace reigns. Jesus brings peace into any and every situation.
He has blessed each one of us with the gift of peace: “Peace I leave with
you; my peace I give you.” (John 14.27)
Deep peace comes
from Jesus. He calmed the storm upon the lake and He calms the storms that
trouble our hearts and our lives.
When a situation
arises that leads me to panic or leaves me in distress, I know the action I need
to follow is to invite Jesus into that situation. I do not stop to judge
whether the circumstances will offend or dishonour Him. They cannot! As I
invite Jesus in the dynamic is instantly changed. With Jesus, the light of God
comes into my circumstance, the peace of Jesus settles upon me, and He will
lead me through as I allow Him. Wonderful!
O Glorious Lord,
I receive Your peace. May it flood my being
and my life. May it mark the way for me and show the world that You are in me,
and I in You. Amen.
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