Sunday, 12 March 2017


“For I tell you, this scripture must be fulfilled in me, ‘And he was counted among the lawless’; and indeed what is written about me is being fulfilled.”               Luke 22.37

It was written concerning the Christ that He would be counted among the lawless. This happened to Jesus. He was innocent. There was nothing about Him that was outside the law. Yet He was accused, and He bore the accusations. He had full commitment to the Father’s will and He knew the Scriptures must be fulfilled as part of the outworking of that will. So, even if the accusations were unfounded, He humbly went along with them.
He endured untold slights and insults. He agonised through persecution and torture. Ultimately He gave His life – and all through unfounded accusations and a rigged trial. But this was the Father’s will, and Jesus’ part was not to question, but to obey.

This presents me with interesting reflection. When I am faced with a situation, it may be fair or unfair. I know my instinctive reaction would be to examine the circumstances and decide if they were just or not. This would be my human response.

But I want to go God’s way and not my own. And so, I need to give myself to seeking Him in the circumstances of life. Whatever I might think or decide is irrelevant. What matters is His will, and what He wants me to do. There may be times when I can ponder this before making a decision. At other times I may need to act with a minimum hesitation. I must be in step with the divine will. I can practice this daily. I give myself to live fully in Him.

Loving Lord and Mighty King,

I give myself to Your will. I ask You to show me the way in all things. Teach me to know what You would have me do. Give me the courage to follow through, in Jesus’ name I ask.                 Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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