Saturday, 1 June 2013

My brothers and my sisters

He replied to him, "Who is my mother and who are my brothers?"       Matt. 12.48

Caldas de Reis, Spain              Saturday, 1st June 2013

I follow through on my conviction with the two commands of Jesus and my application of them to this Camino.

By my fourth day of walking an interesting pattern seemed to be emerging. Days 1 and 3 I can see principally as God days. I have walked alone and have had ample time to marvel at the wonders of His creation, to give my attention to Him in thoughtful awareness, in prayer, and even in song. I pray that He will speak to me. I hope to hear something from Him of the secrets of heaven.

Days 2 and 4 I can readily describe as neighbour days. Early in day 2 I met Anna from Holland. We walked together for the rest of the day. We met Armindo and Helder, two local cyclists who stopped to wish us "Buen Camino" and to chat. They were genuinely interested to talk with us. Later we stopped for lunch at Antonio´s restaurant and met a most congenial host who fed us well, and who takes a photograph of every pilgrim who visits his establishment.

Day 4 was another day of encounters. I met a mother and daughter from Sweden, a couple from South Korea, several French pilgrims, a South African couple, and Jay and Georgia. Jay is from USA and Georgia is Greek.

As I meet and interact with all these wonderful people, they come to me as brothers and sisters. Indeed I have been  privileged already with some of the deeply personal experiences some have shared in conversation. I am reminded of my Christain family. God has blessed me with many amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. I even have sons and daughters in Him. I pray this Camino will extend my family even further. And may I be able to love them as He would have me do.

Lord God and Holy Father,

I delight in the family You have given me and which You are constantly adding to. I thank You.

I ask that You might bless the new brothers and sisters I´ve met in these days and may You add to their number as my Camino with You continues.

Recieve my love and gratitude.                                   Amen. 

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