Thursday, 27 June 2013

The Baggage Behind

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."                     Matt. 11.29,30

Madrid                 Thursday, 27th June 2013

Yesterday as I alighted the train from Malaga at Estacion de Atocha in Madrid I was immediately placed on red alert against that ubiquitous enemy, the baggage behind - or the burden that follows us. Many of my fellow travellers were hurriedly rushing, I know not where, trawling behind them small carriers of threat, of potential damage or crippling disaster.

One of the facilites of the modern era is the small suitcase which is fitted with wheels, for easy mobility, and an extendable handle, presumably for some sort of control. These mobile threats are popular presumably because they can usually be transported without passing from their owner´s care, thereby eliminating tedious delays in awaiting the arrival of one´s luggage at journey´s end.

The menace comes from these little monsters when the owner´s care does not manifest in the degree that it should. All too often the owner locates the potential weapon on terra firma, extends the handle to full length then takes said handle, positioning themselves in front of the load and take off - to the apparent unconcern and neglect of any following traffic. If this leader should stop suddenly or turn sharply the consequences for anyone following could be most unpleasant. I know! I have learnt alertness the hard way, but it has armed me and fitted me to now be on the look out.

So, where is this reflection going? A couple of years ago - I think it was at Athens airport - I noticed the volume of luggage that many people seem to transport around the world. It would appear that some leave very little ar home! I conclude that personal goods and chattels obviously mean a great deal, yet I commented at the time how much freer life would be if we didn´t carry so much baggage as we went.

 My reflection today is somewhat similar yet with a different focus.

As I observed so many people seemingly content to trawl small, inoffensive (whilst stationery maybe) containers behind them, I couldn´t help but think of the minor baggage we carry behind us through life, and the possibility that our baggage could cause threat, and potential damage to others.

There may be times, who knows how many in the normal span of a life, when we need to rid ourselves of baggage, however minor it might seem. Too often we don´t do this. Instead we "deal" with it by putting it out of our thinking, metaphorically placing it behind us as we continue our journey. But the baggage is not gone. It follows us wherever we go. And, whether or not it´s ever realised, it has the potential to cause harm to others.

Jesus offers me a partnership. He says, "Come, yoke yourself to me. Take my light burden on you." In these words, I hear Him  say, "Offer me your heavy burdenLay it down. You don´t need to drag it through life with you. Be free. Know the liberty that exists when you partner with me. I´m here waiting. don´t delay! Drop your bundle now, and move forward, in freedom."

I negotiated my way through Estacion de Atocher without incident or accident. I was careful, but I couldn´t help wondering how much more pleasant it would have been without other people´s baggage waiting to trip me up.

Lord Jesus,

I come to You and I do, indeed, yoke myself to You. It´s my wish to remain in that inseparable partnership with You that I´ve already taken up.

I know I carry baggage despite my actions in laying it down. for as I give up one lot of yuck more is waiting to waylay me. And so, I adopt the habit of laying it down and giving it up. I know the liberty I have when I surrender everything to You. I know, and I am grateful.

Take me, Lord. Cleanse me of all impurity. Release me from whatever would seek to hold me back. Lead me on, in Your light and Your way.              Amen.

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