Thursday, 20 June 2013

Spanish Sanctuary

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?..."          1 Cor. 6.19

Granada                                  Thursday, 20th June 2013

I have been searching, in this land of mighty monuments to the faith, for that place of sanctuary where I can relax, be truly still and know my God - a place where I might feel His presence with me, and know His love, care, comfort and strength.

It has been quite a search! In these glorious cities of southern Spain I have seen glimmers of that which I hoped for. I have experienced disappointment and, finally, today, a most wonderful encounter.

What I feel I have mostly seen have been magnificent, sometimes grandiose, edifices which, sadly, seem now to be more monuments to past human achievements than places of rest and communion with our great God. I´m sure there are faithful believers in each place, who visit with Him whenever tourist hours allow. But, for my part, I grieved at the restricted access to these holy places outside of the times when they seem to be accepted generally as tourist attractions or ancient monuments.

There have been exceptions for me. Jaen Cathedral, in all its opulence and ornamentation, brought stillness and silence away from the crowds - maddening or otherwise! I sensed communion. I was in a holy place. He was there to meet me. I had a further brief taste this morning at Granada Cathedral. There was a Mass in progress. I couldn´t follow it, but I didn´t need to. The presence was there, and  the language of love is universal.

I have also been greatly touched by experiences in the open, in parks and gardens. The gardens of Reales Alcazares in Sevilla brought a sharp awareness to me of the beauty and peace of God´s creation. Likewise, looking out over the country from the heights of Vejer de la Frontera. And, more recently, just this morning as I enjoyed the surrounds of the Monasterio de San Jeronimo. I sat in the paved area flanked with conifers and evergreens and heard the cheerful chirping of birds. I felt Jesus speak to me. He told me He knew of my expectation for an encounter with Him -  in a place dedicated to God. He said He´d been waiting for the right moment, and it had now come. He promised me a most special day. To receive these words from Him was satisfying enough but, if there is more to come, let me be ready.

Later in the morning I made a walk through the Albaicin area which is north east of the city, and to the west of the Alhambra. The walk involves an ascent (giving first glimpses of the Alhambra) and a short time on the level top before descending once more into the city centre. As I began the downward journey, I noticed two towers which looked like they belonged to a church building. I decided to investigate further when I got below.

I found the towers and the church they belonged to. It was open and, wonder of wonders, no tourists. Inside were a handful of worshippers doing just that, worshipping in the peace and stillness of a holy sanctuary. I moved forward into the body of the church and sat in the peace. Before long I was not sitting but sprawled out kneeling, with my arms supported by the pew in front  and my butt resting on the pew behind. Inelegant, maybe, but natural, easy and totally at rest in Him.

Piped music came gently through the air. It was Bach, truly piped for it was being played on a pipe organ!! It was gentle, soothing and absolutely right. Each window was filled with stained glass. This is something I am familiar with, but find to be somewhat rare in Spanish sacred buildings.

The front of the church was resplendent in iconography, but it was perfectly alright. It seemed appropriate, and not tacky. The figure of the ascended Christ was most meaningful. It was realistic, natural and inviting. At one and the same time He seemed to be reaching out to me, inviting me, and embracing me. How could this be? Why not? Is anything impossible to Him?

Then, in this hallowed building (and the very atmosphere conveyed such), I felt that Jesus was opening up the temple of the Holy Spirit in me to be filled, once more, to overflowing with His presence. This is communion of the most holy kind. I continued to gaze at the scene before me. Even the fresh flowers, which are most subtle in this instance, speak to me. The red roses at the feet of the glorified Christ remind me that, by His blood, He has overcome all and now reigns in glorious triumph. The white roses, two arrangements lower down in the altar piece, suggest to me that His love and purity are available to all who will receive.

Today I have received. He has wonderfully met with me our Father´s house. I am blessed. I am grateful. I gaze upon this beautiful image of Him but I see beyond. The sights that the Spirit gives are indescribable, the sensations are inexplicable. But love abounds, and my spirit rejoices in and with His Spirit. Truly it is the Holy Spirit in me that creates the true temple. The constructions of mortal hands are as nothing without the divine presence. He is in me, and He is wonderfully present in this place. I thank my God.

As I continued to gaze upward, the figure that earlier reached out and embraced me seemed now to be commissioning me and sending me. And what to, and what for? All I can do is hope to be a good witness for Him. How is this done? I believe the words of the Revelation to John tell us how: By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony (Rev. 12.11). His blood was shed for me. I give my testimony for Him.

Lord Jesus,

I thank You for this most wonderful encounter. You promised me a most special day. It is so.

I give myself into Your keeping for the rest of this day and beyond. I thrill that You accompany me as my journey companion.

Receive my love, with my thanks, in Your most precious Name.              Amen.

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