Wednesday, 29 May 2013


"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."               Jos. 24.15

Valenca, Portugal                Wednesday, 29th May 2013

(I apologise for the delay in this posting, but I have been unable to access the Internet).

For the start of my Camino, I had a choice of routes to take. The traditional way lies inland, setting out from Porto and aiming for Vilarinho in the first day. An alternative is suggested which involves a short bus or metro ride to Mercado, Matosinhos and then a walk north along the coast to Vila do Conde. The second day sees this walk move inland, across country to join up with the traditional route at Arcos. I am a beach and sea person, so my choice was to start the Camino by the coast route.

For me, this was an excellent choice. The day was fine and clear. The sea was playful, deep blue with lots of "white horses" topping the waves. There was a healthy breeze - actually a quite bracing wind! I was in heaven. I love walking by the sea and into the wind. It invigorates me and brings me to life.

My plan was to walk for about an hour and then stop for breakfast. The guide book indicated a number of cafes along the way. This was so, delightful beach cafe/bars occurred at regular intervals. But - they were all closed! It seems this part of the world doesn't get going until 10 am. Most unfortunate for me!

I had no option but to keep going. After passing through one suburb, Obelisco, I wasn't sure if I was on the right track. Fortunately an early morning walker came by and I managed to ask him (and I'm not sure how I achieved this) if I was on the right path. I was. Buoyed by this successful communication, I then asked where there might be a cafe that was OPEN. The dear man took up the challenge and walked with me, for about fifteen to twenty minutes, until he found an establishment that was open. I thanked him and wished him an exceptionally good day.

Later in the morning I was passing through the fishing village of Casa do Mar when a man suddenly stopped me with the question "Santiago?" I told him Yes, I was going there. He replied that he was also a peregrino (pilgrim) and had made many different Caminos. He was delighted to meet me. We had quite a chat.

Much of this coast walk is on timber boardwalks. They stretch for many kilometres and make for great walking. They are easy on the feet and, of course, are level. There is no climbing involved. (I'm sure this is to come). Just after Casa do Mar the boardwalk gave out and I was unsure of the direction to take. I sat down alongside the path and was scrutinizing my maps when, lo and behold, my new peregrino friend appeared. His name is Antonio. He wanted to give me a scallop shell, the symbol of St. James and the Camino. He is so committed to the fellowship that the Camino brings that he has made a service of giving shells to the pilgrims he meets. Apparently I'm the first Australian he's met on the Camino Portugues. The shell is a true gift. The only thing he asks for in return is that I put my name, hometown and the day's date on another shell which he adds to his collection. He assures me I'm on track. He points out the way immediately forward and then, he is gone!

Many years ago I made another choice, to enter into and live in relationship with God. He invited me. I exercised choice and accepted His invitation. This was the most significant, and the best, choice of my life. Yesterday, before commencing the Camino, I made a further choice to consciously practice the two commandments of Jesus as I walk the Way. This is certainly happening. In the beauty of the coastal walk, I am so aware of God, and of His walking with me. As for loving my neighbours, with the interactions with the two men, I am the one who is being blessed. Is this perhaps God showing me His pleasure with my choice? I wonder!

Dear Lord,

I thank You for the love You shower on me. I thank You for the first day of my Camino and Your loving reminders. I ask You to make this Camino a way of love for me. Let me ably demonstrate Your love as I go.                         Amen.

1 comment:

  1. May you have a profoundly deeper revelation of God and his way forward - Gpd bless you - Debbie
