Friday, 24 May 2013

The Way

Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself."                 Matt. 22.37-39

In my times of reflection since leaving home the essence of these verses has come to me on several separate occasions. They have made a specific impression on me.

I try to live my life to love and worship God with all of my being, and to regard and treat my fellow beings as I would wish for myself. But, just as I sense that this Camino is to be a time of specific and sustained focus on God and awareness of His presence with me, so I also feel that I am to major in this time on the content of these verses, and be more fully aware of loving Him and my neighbour.

My awareness of God is strongest in the actual walking, and especially if I am walking without company. But the loving of my neighbour requires me to be in contact, however slight, with others. During the past two days I have noticed an awareness of the presence of others, and how I can show respect and love to them even in little ways. One example of this occurred as I was leaving the hotel. I held the door open and waited for a lady coming up the entry steps so that she could pass through the open door. This was a minor courtesy, yet I was aware of its godly basis.

I may be setting quite a challenge for myself in the coming days, but the way in which these verses keep coming up is encouraging me as well as impelling me.

And, after all, isn´t this what Jesus asks of us.

Lord Jesus,

I heed Your words and the two great commandments You have given us. I see how You lived Your earthly life in compliance with them. You invite me to follow You, and I will endeavour to do so. 

I ask You to help me in this. May I experience situations where I can extend grace and blessing to others. Let me know the presence of my loving God in great measure as I walk the way. May our communion be sweet, deep and lasting. Thank You.               Amen.

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