Friday, 13 September 2019


Seek the LORD while he may be found; 
call on him while he is near.                               Isa. 55.6

Once again I take these words as encouragement. If I seek my Lord I will find Him. I can seek in mere lip service, but I doubt that I will find Him by doing so. I believe I need to seek Him with purpose, to seek Him passionately. In prayer at different times, I have told God that I am in “hot pursuit” of Him. I can’t get enough of my wonderful Saviour and Lord. 
Isaiah tells me that if I seek God, He may be found. There is no definite guarantee here (may be!) However, Jeremiah tells me the way: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD.(Jer. 29.13,14a) Here is the guarantee – as I seek God with all my heart, I will find Him. His assurance comes to me through the writings of Jeremiah.

And so, I need to be sincere and committed in my seeking of Him. I cannot give myself to shallowness and superficiality. I must be real.

As I call on Him, I must do so when He is near. What does this mean? How will I know He is near? I believe some part in this must be played out by me. As I commit to prayer, I give myself over to God; I prepare myself to come near to Him; I look for Him in certain expectation. I know I cannot dictate to God, nor can I control Him but, as I give over completely to Him, I feel sure He will respond. When I seek to be near to Him, He might well be near to me. I hope so, and I will give myself to drawing close.

Most Wonderful God,
I want to find You in greater measure than ever before. I yearn for further fellowship, to go deeper and get closer.
I cherish the relationship You have drawn me into, but I want more (selfishly maybe). So, I ask. If You grant this plea, I ask also for situations where I can draw people closer to You.                  Amen.

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