Saturday, 21 September 2019

No exclusion

Let no foreigner who has bound 
himself to the LORD say, 
“The LORD will surely 
exclude me from his people.”
And let not any eunuch complain, 
“I am only a dry tree.”                                                Isa.56.3

Here is a further exciting verse the Lord gives through Isaiah. Salvation is open to everyone. No one need be excluded. Even in the times of the earlier Jews, the good news was available to all. All, that is, who receive The Lord as Saviour, and submit to Him as Lord.

Of course, this was well before the time of Jesus, but the invitation has been made, and it is set for all time. I see this declaration as part of the preparation for the coming of the Christ. Isaiah – indeed much of the Old Testament, if not all of it – is about Jesus. It foresees salvation, and a Godly rescue for all people. The only exclusions come from those who exclude themselves, those who deny Jesus, and go their own way.

I note in particular, the reference to eunuchs, those men who, in my opinion were deprived. Certainly, some of them rose to positions of importance and power, yet they were not whole people. God does not see it this way. He does not accept the eunuch as a dry tree. He sees them as He does all others, as His children. And any child of His is wholesome, clean and much loved.

I wonder how many “eunuchs” are around us today! I’m not talking about physically “dry trees”, but the spiritually so. Most of these, sadly, do not realise their loss. But, praise God, He calls many to Himself daily, and into the sweet relationship that only He can offer.

Lord God,
I am struck by these words given in the context of Jewish belief. I see so clearly their relevance to the Christian faith. The door is wide open for all to come to You through Jesus. I pray for those who do not know You. I ask, humbly, that that you would draw them to the Son. I thank You.             Amen.

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