Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Martha and Mary

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”            Luke 10.41,42

When Jesus arrived at Bethany, Martha hurried to prepare to receive Him properly. Mary was intent on simply enjoying Jesus. Martha complained to Jesus that she was doing all the work while Mary did nothing. Jesus’ reply was clear: he assured Martha that Mary was doing the right thing by giving her time to Jesus and making Him her full focus.

Martha was primarily concerned with “things” and with making sure that everything was “right” for Jesus. I don’t think Jesus was overly concerned with the state of the house, the surroundings, or even the food that Martha was so diligently preparing.

Mary, meanwhile, was devoting herself to Jesus. This pleased Jesus. He wanted to enjoy Mary, and she gave Him that opportunity while enjoying Him herself.

So it is for us. God created us to live in relationship with Him. He wants to enjoy me and for me to enjoy Him. The Scriptures give me further encouragement in this. Jesus reminds me to seek the kingdom of God before anything else (Matt. 6.33) The writer of the letter to the Hebrews urges me to fix my eyes on Jesus. Many might see this as wasting time, when I could be “doing” for God. God has shown me clearly that “being” comes before doing. I am His son, His boy. He wants me to enjoy Him as He enjoys me. Hallelujah!

Dear Father,

I thank You for this further reminder of our relationship. I am humbled to think that You would wish to enjoy me. I am excited and thrilled that I can enjoy You. There may be things that You want me to do. I believe I can do these best when I have first spent time with You. I know that You are with me, You will equip me and lead me. And all this comes out of first giving myself to You. Thank you.     Amen.  

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