Monday, 30 September 2019


“For day after day they seek me out; 
they seem eager to know my ways, 
as if they were a nation that does what is right 
and has not forsaken the commands of its God. 
They ask me for just decisions 
and seem eager for God to come near them”.                         Isa.58.2

God speaks to the prophet, urging him to declare the people’s rebellion (v1). As is shown in the verse quoted, He points out their hypocrisy. They seem eager to know His ways, but are they really? They act like a nation that does what is right by Him, but it appears that they have forsaken His commands. Despite all this, they seem to feel entitled to seek His presence with them. They attempt to tell God that they are acting rightly for Him. They are not, and He tells them so!
On the days when they should be attentive to, and practicing His ways for them, they seem more interested and focused on “doing their own thing.”

We cannot pretend to follow God. If we embrace Him as Saviour, Almighty and Lord, then we need to give ourselves wholly to Him. He has entered into covenant relationship with us. He willingly gives of Himself to us yet, if we do not fulfil our side of the covenant, how can we expect Him to provide for us?

We must try to live as He would have us live. I say “try” for I know we will not achieve the fullness of our God-given being on this earth due to the fallen state we are born into. This is alright as we give ourselves to live, as best we can.

We cannot perfect ourselves, but Jesus can. He came in purity. He remained pure for the whole of His human life. He died impure, for He carried the sins of us all on the cross. This is not the end! He rose triumphant from the grave having defeated sin and death. He now sits and reigns in glorious righteous victory, ready to receive each genuine believer.

Wonderful Lord Jesus,
Help me to live to please You. I bow before You in humble adoration. I want to be all I can be in You. I seek Your help and guidance. Thank You.     Amen.

Sunday, 29 September 2019


Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; 
they find rest as they lie in death. 
“There is no peace,” says my God, “for the wicked.”     

These two separate verses illustrate the different outlooks of those who seek to be good and those who indulge in evil. I say “seek to be good” for this is all that we can do. We are not able to “make” ourselves good, but simply seek to be as good as we are able. We are called to walk uprightly.

Walking uprightly describes well the characteristics of the godly person. Of course, the first essentials are to love God with all of you being and to love your neighbour as you would wish to be loved yourself. To these we might add the qualities of honest dealings and general good conduct, an open approach to all things, sincerity, friendliness and helpfulness. We may encourage others in these traits, so long as we display them in ourselves.

As we are told, these qualities of life will lead us to enter into peace. We may know this peace in life and in death. Peace is a gift that is precious to me. I believe Jesus gave me a personal gift of peace some years ago. I have embraced it. There are times when I need to remind myself that I have His peace. On many occasions, I have prayed the peace of Jesus for others. I see peace as essential to the Christian life.

Isaiah also shows us the other side of the coin. The wicked will not know peace. They may find a measure of satisfaction in the earthly life, but there will be a distinct lack of peace for them in eternity.

As in many, if not all, cases, we have a choice. I choose the upright way. I am not always “upright” in my walk, thinking and behaviour. But with God’s help. I will give it my best efforts.

My Lord,
I choose uprightness and I ask for Your help in following this path. Be with me, please, when I falter. Show me the right way and lead me in it. Let me ever know the assurance of Your peace. Thank You.       Amen.

Thursday, 26 September 2019


The righteous perish, 
and no one ponders it in his heart; 
devout men are taken away, 
and no one understands 
that the righteous are taken away 
to be spared from evil.                                        Isa. 57.1

Here, surely, is the answer to age-old questions. Why did God take this man in the prime of his life? Why did He allow this woman to die? She was a mother with young children, a beautiful Christian and a devoted presence in the church. This child had its whole life before him, why did God cut him down before he had even started living properly? What is God up to? Does He know what He is doing?

These questions are not unusual. And I feel sure they have been asked for generations. Yet, whilst people readily pour out accusations and questions to God, how many, I wonder, stop to seriously consider God’s actions and why He would cut short the lives of so many good, promising and worthwhile lives?

I am tempted to say, “Who are we to question Almighty God?”At the same time, I think it’s good for us to ask. God, indeed, says to us, “If you need anything, ask for it.” “You do not have because you do not ask God.”We would really like answers to questions we ask. In this case I see God’s answer.

Just a couple of chapters earlier in Isaiah’s writings, God alludes to His sovereignty over His creation: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”(Isa. 55.8,9)

There is something of an invitation, or certainly an encouragement to look and investigate further from these words: no one ponders it in his heart and no one understands. Why, I wonder, is this? Perhaps we do not want to know. We may be so grief stricken that all we can think of is God’s meanness, unfairness, and, maybe, retribution. However, this is not so. God, through Isaiah, gives us His answer: the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. When we see good people do we consider that they may ever be tempted by evil? I believe the truthful answer is: “Yes, most certainly!” When a man or woman – or child – walks with God, they are targets for the enemy. The evil one is out to get all who are a threat, and let us remember that God has granted Satan a certain amount of power on earth. But the powers of evil are limited, and God has the ultimate power, and the answer.

My greatest desire is to join fully with my Lord in relationship, love and glory. This will only happen when I leave this earth and meet with Him in the heavenly realms. Only then will I be spared from the threats of evil. Then I will know the joy of life, of eternal, endless life in the company of my Creator, and my true and loving Father.

Will I be sad to leave this earth? I will be sad for the beautiful people I will leave behind. I shall miss them, but I fully believe that the separation will be temporary. Will I feel for their loss, especially if there is any measure of reliance by them upon me? I see this as grievous. My instinct to provide and protect is as strong as my desire to love and care for. Yet, again, I hold God’s thoughts and ways to be above mine. God’s thoughts come through to us, often, in words. I take the words of Paul who clearly says: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”(Rom. 8.28) Paul says we know, but do we truly know? We can be so caught up in our own loss and grief that we blame God whereas, maybe, we should be thanking Him for sparing our loved ones from evil. There have been happenings in my life when I have cried out to God claiming that I cannot possibly see any good coming out of the situation and events. Sometimes it has been many years later that I have seen the good that God has wrought.

However much we may grieve over our loss – and it is our loss – let us thank God that He has saved our loved ones, and taken them home to where they are meant to be.

Lord God, Loving Father,
There is much You do that I don’t understand. The questions of suffering and premature death have puzzled and perplexed me for a long time. I receive Your answer that, in taking people home, You are rescuing them and saving them from the horrors of sin. Thank You.                 Amen.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

No exception

“…these I will bring to my holy mountain 
and give them joy in my house of prayer. 
Their burnt offerings and sacrifices 
will be accepted on my altar; 
for my house will be called 
a house of prayer for all nations.”                                 Isa.56.7

The prophecy refers to foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD to serve Him, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant…(v6)

Where do the words go from here? God says He will bring these people to His holy mountain, and He will give them joy in His house of prayer. Furthermore, He will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices. These words were spoken out to the Israelites, to God’s chosen people. The actions described may well have been seen by the Israelites as exclusive to them. They were not! The door was being opened to non-Jews as well as to Jews.

It (v6) presents to me as saying anyone, anyone whatsoever who receives the Lord, who binds themselves to serve Him, to worship Him, to keep the Sabbath without desecration, and who hold fast to His covenant, will be brought to His holy mountain and they will be given joy in His house of prayer.

The Scriptures indicate that God’s “holy mountain” connects with Mount Zion in Jerusalem where Jews – and now non-Jews -  may meet with God. For me, God’s holy mountain is that most special place where I can go, at any time, and be with Him, know His presence with me, and be refreshed in His grace and love.

We can meet God in prayer. God tells us clearly that His house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.No one is exempt, all are welcome. Hallelujah!

Holy Father,
You have opened Yourself to receive all people. You give a very simple qualification – we need to receive You and honour You fully. As we do this, we enter into a relationship better and sweeter and more loving than any other we could know. Thank You.           Amen.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

No deprivation

For this is what the LORD says:
“To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, 
who choose what pleases me 
and hold fast to my covenant – to them 
I will give within my temple and its walls 
a memorial and a name 
better than sons and daughters; 
I will give them an everlasting name 
that will not be cut off.”                                     Isa. 56.4,5

God is again speaking of the eunuchs. These were men who had been deprived of their manhood. In a way, they were outcasts. Even though they may have risen to good positions, they were still lacking.

God did not hold these men as inferior. On the contrary, He makes special mention of them. As they give themselves in obedience to Him He will bless them. They have been denied and deprived of having children, but God vows to give them a lasting remembrance (memorial), and a name better for them than offspring. They will live to everlasting, and will not be cut off from the Lord.

Maybe the eunuchs are mentioned here by way of example for all those who are disadvantaged, displaced, and without the benefits of good living. There are plenty of people today in similar situations. God is there for all. He does not discriminate. As we come to Him in penitence, repentance and faith, so He welcomes us into His family and into His arms. Our physical situation may not change, but we become new and blessed beings. He is with us, and whatever may befall, we can face it with trust and confidence in Him. He may not remove trials and problems from us, but He will lead us through as we allow Him.

Loving God,
I thank You for Your love and care for all who come to You. I especially thank You for Your embracing of the disadvantaged. You bring them hope and dignity. You have no favourites, each of us is loved equally by You. Thank You.     Amen.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

No exclusion

Let no foreigner who has bound 
himself to the LORD say, 
“The LORD will surely 
exclude me from his people.”
And let not any eunuch complain, 
“I am only a dry tree.”                                                Isa.56.3

Here is a further exciting verse the Lord gives through Isaiah. Salvation is open to everyone. No one need be excluded. Even in the times of the earlier Jews, the good news was available to all. All, that is, who receive The Lord as Saviour, and submit to Him as Lord.

Of course, this was well before the time of Jesus, but the invitation has been made, and it is set for all time. I see this declaration as part of the preparation for the coming of the Christ. Isaiah – indeed much of the Old Testament, if not all of it – is about Jesus. It foresees salvation, and a Godly rescue for all people. The only exclusions come from those who exclude themselves, those who deny Jesus, and go their own way.

I note in particular, the reference to eunuchs, those men who, in my opinion were deprived. Certainly, some of them rose to positions of importance and power, yet they were not whole people. God does not see it this way. He does not accept the eunuch as a dry tree. He sees them as He does all others, as His children. And any child of His is wholesome, clean and much loved.

I wonder how many “eunuchs” are around us today! I’m not talking about physically “dry trees”, but the spiritually so. Most of these, sadly, do not realise their loss. But, praise God, He calls many to Himself daily, and into the sweet relationship that only He can offer.

Lord God,
I am struck by these words given in the context of Jewish belief. I see so clearly their relevance to the Christian faith. The door is wide open for all to come to You through Jesus. I pray for those who do not know You. I ask, humbly, that that you would draw them to the Son. I thank You.             Amen.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Be prepared

This is what the LORD says:
“Maintain justice and do what is right, 
for my salvation is close at hand 
and my righteousness will soon be revealed. 
Blessed is the man who does this, 
the man who holds it fast, 
who keeps the Sabbath without desecrating it, 
and keeps his hand from doing any evil.”                     Isa.56.1,2

I hear a call to preparation through these words. God says His salvation is close at hand and His righteousness will soon be revealed. Does this mean a very real sighting of Him is close? Will He soon return to earth in splendour and glory? Or are these personal words for individuals that they might soon be taken to join with Him in all eternity? Are these words for me?

My brain tumour “adventure” of last year has brought the question of human mortality into greater focus to me. This does not mean that I am constantly taken up with it, but it does somehow urge and encourage me to “be prepared”. None of us know when our earthly life will end, but it is well to be ready at any time.

I believe God is saying here: “Prepare yourself; make yourself a true believer by aiming to be the free person I really want you to be – the person I created you to be. Set aside those thoughts, words, habits and actions that hinder your journey of righteousness. If I am “close at hand”, you may know that Jesus is near you. Follow Him as He invited you to do. He lived to obey and please me in all things. He (I) ask you to follow. You will not achieve His perfection in this earthly life, but take heart, and do your best. Always do your best. You may have no idea how this delights me. One day you will see.”

Holy Father,
I accept these words which I see as the most wonderful reminder of the sweet relationship we have. I yearn to enjoy it to the full. I give myself afresh to be the best I can be for You. I often fail, and I am sorry. Please forgive me, and lead me on to follow Jesus. Hallelujah!          Amen.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Accomplished and achieved

…so is my word that goes out from my mouth: 
It will not return to me empty, 
but will accomplish what I desire 
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.                  Isa.55.11

Yesterday’s verse, beginning with the word, “As…” requires a complement to tell us what “as” means in this context, that is, what is it that can be compared with the rain falling from heaven that feeds the crops and produces a harvest? The answer comes from the verse that follows (verse 11).

God’s Word is likened to the rain. The falling rain produces a physical harvest. God’s Word brings forth a spiritual harvest. As God’s Word is spoken forth (goes out from my mouth), it will not be without purpose. It will not return empty to God.

God’s word embraces God’s will, and God’s will shall fulfil whatever the maker determines. It will accomplish the desires of God, and it will achieve the purpose for which it is sent.

God’s Word is contained in His Holy Scriptures. These are available to all, yet not everyone reads them or takes notice of what they say. This is where believers become involved. We are instructed to make disciples (Matt. 28.19). We do this by sharing our experiences of God, by declaring our testimony to others (Rev. 12.11). I don’t see this as needing us to patrol the streets and badger people to the point of aggression. Rather, I see it as simply sharing with others what God has done for us. 

There may be times when we feel that God has done nothing at that time, almost as if He has forgotten us. He has not! He works for the good in all things (Rom. 8.29). We may have to wait for the good to become obvious, and sometimes the wait might be long. However, I believe God will always come through.

Loving Father,
I look to Your Word and all that it declares of You. I look for opportunities to share Your Word. I pray for alertness to hear, for wisdom to discern, and for boldness to declare. Thank You.          Amen.


As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater.            Isa.55.10

Today it is raining for the first time in quite a while. We have been desperate for rain for several months, and are relieved with today’s fall. Sadly, this is not the case in many other parts of the continent. As an illustration, I quote the Central West of New South Wales where the drought situation has been of serious concern, not just for weeks, but for years. The green of the land is no more, it has been replaced by brown and sometimes black earth. Cattle are dying for lack of water and lack of food from unwatered crops, which are simply not coming to harvest.

I am reminded just how important rain is to survival. It cannot be replaced, and life cannot be sustained without it. And so, the words from Isaiah find fulfilment in present day Australia through the very real conditions that we are experiencing. 

In the New Testament Gospels, Jesus often spoke and taught in parables. These were recognisable stories based on everyday life, but which had a deeper spiritual meaning that was not patently obvious. As Israel and Judah were predominantly agrarian societies, the parables often drew examples from farming life.

Today such examples would not readily be understood as well as they were in the distant times of yore. Yet the present instance of drought and a desperate need for rain connects me with the situation of a bygone age. I am mindful – and prayerful – of the need for both physical and spiritual rain.

Mighty God,
With today’s rain I am remimded of how vital rain is for survival. This applies to the reality of daily living, but it also has a deeper spiritual connection.
I pray You will cause rain, both physical and spiritual to fall, and bring new growth in the country and spiritual impact in society.   Amen.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

The Right Way

Let the wicked forsake his way
 and the evil man his thoughts. 
Let him turn to the LORD, 
and he will have mercy on him, 
and to our God, for he will freely pardon.            Isa. 55.7

This verse gives me the simplicity of salvation. In very few words, and most effectively said, the one who is caught up in worldly ways of wickedness and evil (and these do not have to be extreme) need simply turn to God, forsake their sinful ways, and our merciful God will freely give pardon. He will draw the forgiven sinner into sweet relationship with Himself.

I like the simple definition of sin that James gives: Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins. (James 4.17) I think we all know when we are doing something we ought not to be doing but, if we are ever unsure, we simply ask God: “Lord, am I doing what You want me to do?”

When the quoted verse mentions “the wicked” and “the evil”, I do not take this to mean the most wicked, or the most evil. I think it applies to anyone who does not do the right thing. This, of course, applies to me. There are times when I do better than at other times. There are times when I know that I am not doing what is pleasing to God, and yet I do it! Will He forgive me? I really think so. When I come to Him in confession and repentance, am I sincere? Again, I think so – even though I might repeat my mistake.

I have no delusion about being perfect. This applies to Jesus alone in the earthly realm. However, I endeavour to be the best I can be for God, and this is because I love Him. I sense His great love for me, and I wish to return my love to Him in joyful celebration.

Most Wonderful God,
I sincerely thank You for the mercy You show, and the forgiveness 
You give. I know that I do not always please You in what I think, say, or do. I ask You to help me to do better, to please and delight You more, for this is my desire. I thank You that I can come to You with this. I thank You for listening.          Amen.

Friday, 13 September 2019


Seek the LORD while he may be found; 
call on him while he is near.                               Isa. 55.6

Once again I take these words as encouragement. If I seek my Lord I will find Him. I can seek in mere lip service, but I doubt that I will find Him by doing so. I believe I need to seek Him with purpose, to seek Him passionately. In prayer at different times, I have told God that I am in “hot pursuit” of Him. I can’t get enough of my wonderful Saviour and Lord. 
Isaiah tells me that if I seek God, He may be found. There is no definite guarantee here (may be!) However, Jeremiah tells me the way: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD.(Jer. 29.13,14a) Here is the guarantee – as I seek God with all my heart, I will find Him. His assurance comes to me through the writings of Jeremiah.

And so, I need to be sincere and committed in my seeking of Him. I cannot give myself to shallowness and superficiality. I must be real.

As I call on Him, I must do so when He is near. What does this mean? How will I know He is near? I believe some part in this must be played out by me. As I commit to prayer, I give myself over to God; I prepare myself to come near to Him; I look for Him in certain expectation. I know I cannot dictate to God, nor can I control Him but, as I give over completely to Him, I feel sure He will respond. When I seek to be near to Him, He might well be near to me. I hope so, and I will give myself to drawing close.

Most Wonderful God,
I want to find You in greater measure than ever before. I yearn for further fellowship, to go deeper and get closer.
I cherish the relationship You have drawn me into, but I want more (selfishly maybe). So, I ask. If You grant this plea, I ask also for situations where I can draw people closer to You.                  Amen.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019


In righteousness you will be established: 
Tyranny will be far from you; 
you will have nothing to fear. 
Terror will be removed; 
it will not come near you.                                            Isa.54.14

Isaiah speaks of righteousness and that I will be established in it. God is righteousness. I truly believe that I am established in God, but I want more. I would deeply desire to be swamped in God, to almost drown in Him, for I know I would not drown. I would be upheld and totally filled with all that is Him. The prospect is very, very inspiring, and totally inviting.

In God I will be free of tyranny. I might see it, but I will be far from it. It cannot impact or affect me for God is with me. I will have nothing to fear. This is something for me to hold close right now, and to take forward into all time. 

Through His ministry, Jesus consistently encourages me to “Fear not”. I suggest that extreme fear can be compared with terror. Isaiah tells me that terror, like tyranny, will be removed from me; it will not come near me.

Like many other instances in the Scriptures, I see these words as words of promise. God’s Word is full of promises, and I keep finding more. I claim these promises, as I do with every one of God’s promises that I encounter. God is truth, therefore His promises are real. God is faithful and His promises will come to pass. Some may be realised after my lifetime. The timing is God’s alone, as is the way in which the promise will be fulfilled. This brings me to a reflection on trust. God needs me to trust Him – and I do.

Mighty God,
Like you, Your promises are mighty. I claim each and every promise that You have for me. I also give myself to You for the realisation and outworking of your promises. I trust You, and this enables me to relax and not concern myself with the fulfilment of Your promises. Thank you.                Amen.

Friday, 6 September 2019


“Come, all you who are thirsty,come to the waters, and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”            Isa. 55.1

The invitation stands for all time. The Father invites us to come to the waters and quench our thirst. Am I thirsty? Yes, I am thirsty, always for more of God. God’s provision is at no cost to me. The cost was paid by Jesus when He gave His life. All I must do is to look to Him and give Him my allegiance, allowing Him to lead me in the life that the Father has for me. When I write “All I must do”, this is the truth. When I am in right relationship with God, I need not concern myself with anything else.

Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and everything else will be given to you.” As I fix my eyes on Jesus, I become totally wrapped in Him. I am transfixed by His presence. Joy overflows within me. I think of nothing else, nor do I need to.

When I put Jesus first, it seems that I am pleasing the Father, for He has proved in my life that I need worry for nothing. He has been faithful to me. I remember His promise to me of many years ago when He told me I would never lack for anything. I have found that He has faithfully provided.

He tells me not to worry. I give myself to do as He says. I am not always successful, but this will not deter me. I will do what I can.

God is my provider, and I gratefully receive all that He has for me.


Holy Father,
I give myself to all that You have for me. When times appear difficult, I know that You are with me. I am grateful. Yes, I thank You most profoundly. Please guide me in Your way. Lead me in truth and have Your way in me and with me. Thank You.                Amen.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Martha and Mary

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”            Luke 10.41,42

When Jesus arrived at Bethany, Martha hurried to prepare to receive Him properly. Mary was intent on simply enjoying Jesus. Martha complained to Jesus that she was doing all the work while Mary did nothing. Jesus’ reply was clear: he assured Martha that Mary was doing the right thing by giving her time to Jesus and making Him her full focus.

Martha was primarily concerned with “things” and with making sure that everything was “right” for Jesus. I don’t think Jesus was overly concerned with the state of the house, the surroundings, or even the food that Martha was so diligently preparing.

Mary, meanwhile, was devoting herself to Jesus. This pleased Jesus. He wanted to enjoy Mary, and she gave Him that opportunity while enjoying Him herself.

So it is for us. God created us to live in relationship with Him. He wants to enjoy me and for me to enjoy Him. The Scriptures give me further encouragement in this. Jesus reminds me to seek the kingdom of God before anything else (Matt. 6.33) The writer of the letter to the Hebrews urges me to fix my eyes on Jesus. Many might see this as wasting time, when I could be “doing” for God. God has shown me clearly that “being” comes before doing. I am His son, His boy. He wants me to enjoy Him as He enjoys me. Hallelujah!

Dear Father,

I thank You for this further reminder of our relationship. I am humbled to think that You would wish to enjoy me. I am excited and thrilled that I can enjoy You. There may be things that You want me to do. I believe I can do these best when I have first spent time with You. I know that You are with me, You will equip me and lead me. And all this comes out of first giving myself to You. Thank you.     Amen.  

Monday, 2 September 2019

The Gift

Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.             Isa. 53.10

Jesus lived to do the will of God. In everything He said and did, He sought God’s way. Jesus died to do the will of God. There was a moment of hesitation: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me.” (Luke 22.42a) Momentarily He sought to avoid the cup of suffering. But the moment passed, and He affirmed His obedience to the Father’s will: “…yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22.42b)

God the Father needed to crush the Son in order to save the world from sin. The crushing brought suffering for He was being made a guilt offering. He gave Himself to this purpose. But the suffering did not last, the sacrifice was a one-off act. Jesus died, but He defeated death, along with sin, the flesh and the devil.

Jesus now lives with the Father in glory, in power, strength and majesty. And, like the Father, He is filled with love.

Isaiah foresees that the Chosen One will see His offspring. Whilst He did not have offspring in the natural, Jesus has countless offspring in the spiritual. He loves each and every one. I have difficulty understanding this with my limited thinking. It is too much for me to take in. However, this is the truth.

Jesus’ days will be prolonged. As the Christ, He will live forever. As He leads His “offspring”, together with the heavenly host, the Father’s will most surely will prosper.

Nothing of human activity deserved the wonderful gift of salvation that Jesus gave. This was an act of love. How blessed we are.

Lord Jesus,

Despite our miserable and sinful state, You gave Yourself in order to save us. On behalf of all humanity I thank You. I come before You in humility and thanksgiving for what You have done for me. I am undeserving, yet You have made me worthy. I thank You.                  Amen.