Friday, 5 April 2019

Protected and sanctified

“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.
…Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”      John 17.15,17

Jesus has prayed for me. This is powerful and most meaningful. Jesus has prayed God’s protection upon me. He acknowledges that I am in the world and will not be taken out of the world, but God will protect me – from the evil one and from all that is evil.

Jesus has asked God to sanctify me by the truth. I believe God is answering this prayer. I know He desires a purer me, a more holy person, a truer witness to Jesus. 

I am still greatly impacted each time I read of Jesus saying, “I tell you the truth.” I delight at such honesty and complete lack of deceit. This is the most excellent example that I want to follow. Yes, let me be sanctified – to the utmost degree that pleases God. Let me know the truth. God’s word is truth, and in it I will find truth. Let me know God’s truth through His word – both that which is recorded in Holy Scriptures and that which He speaks as a personal rhema to me.

Lord God,
I delight in being in relationship with You. I thank You that Jesus has prayed for protection for me while I am in this world. I receive Your protection and ask that I might always live and minister within it.
I delight greatly in the truth. I find the truth in You, in Jesus and Your Word, and especially under the guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
I thank You for Your Holy Spirit. I humbly ask that You lead me by Your Spirit into all truth. I seek more, more of You, more of Your Word, more relationship, and more ministry. Guide me in all of this through Your powerful and perfect truth.
In Jesus’ name I ask.               Amen.

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