Monday, 8 April 2019

Flesh and Spirit

Again Peter denied it; and at that moment a rooster began to crow. 
 John 18.27

Three times Peter denied his connection with Jesus. Jesus had prophesied this, even in the face of Peter’s declaration that he would die for Jesus.

Peter was acting in his flesh, and the flesh is weak. This scene is in marked contrast to the events recorded by Luke in the Book of Acts where Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, displays boldness and courage, and a zeal for the Gospel and the Kingdom of God that no man can quench. This is Peter moving in the Spirit.

The difference between life in the flesh and life in the Spirit is so great. Peter was not alone in experiencing a dramatic change in his person. The New Testament abounds with stories of transformation. This is also seen throughout the annals of church history and down into the present time.

The Spirit transforms. The Spirit gives new life. The Spirit brings enabling, strength and boldness to be powerful witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Lord God,
I see so clearly the difference in witness that Peter gave in the Spirit against the poor witness he gave in the flesh.
I thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, a gift I embrace into the whole of my being.
I look to be a powerful witness for Jesus as I am filled with His Spirit. I offer my flesh to You. I ask You to fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. Let me exercise the gifts of the Spirit in full measure. May I demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit in all of my living.
I live for You, Lord. I seek no other way. Show me Your way in everything that I do, and lead me in that way.
I declare Jesus to be my Saviour and Lord. I appreciate Him as my truest friend. 
Receive my thanks and love, in Jesus’ name.          Amen.

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