Wednesday, 10 April 2019


Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”                                                         John 19.11

Jesus speaks these words to Pilate. He speaks them with confidence for He knows that the Father in heaven controls all things and is the sole dispenser of power. If any power is wielded on earth it is because it is allowed by the heavenly authority. 

As I ponder this, I puzzle at some of the horrendous happenings that have been “allowed” throughout world history – the sort of things I might refer to as “man’s inhumanity to man”. (crusades, inquisition, the Nazi scourge, present day genocide masquerading as “ethnic cleansing”).

I find it impossible to understand why these things have been allowed to happen. I can only see possible reasons in the area of mysteries of God, mysteries which, one day, may be revealed.

Jesus was sure that Pilate’s power came from above. I am of a similar belief. There is much that happens in the world, and even certain things in my life, that I can’t explain. I choose to believe that God allows these things for reasons beyond my understanding and, possibly, to achieve certain divine purposes.

Lord God,
It does puzzle me how certain events have been allowed throughout the history of the world, but I release these events to You, believing that nothing happens without Your knowledge and agreement.
So, likewise with the things in my life. Certain things have occurred that I would have preferred not to have experienced yet, as I look back, I see how You have worked for the good in all things. I thank You for Your covering over me. I seek the shelter of You wings and the covering of Your feathers. I place myself fully under Your charge and look to the unfolding of the rest of my life in Your ways and will. I thank You, in Jesus’ name.          Amen.

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