Monday, 31 December 2018

Life in Him

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.                 Heb. 13.8

God – Father, Son and Spirit – is immutable. He is constant and consistent, never changing. God is faithful and true, but just, merciful and forgiving. He is patient and loving.

He has always been so. He is so today, and He will be so tomorrow. This is something to be ever aware of.

We stand on the change of the year. Yesterday has gone, today is where I live right now, and tomorrow brings the excitement, and likely challenge, of a new year.

I can reflect over the year that is coming to a close. For me, it has been a year of challenge. This time last year I most definitely would not have envisioned a brain tumour, surgery, and extended ongoing treatment. Fortunately, all that is past – at least for the present. It has not been the most pleasant experience, but I know that God has been with me every step of the way. I have felt His presence, and been recipient of His protection and guidance. His plan, I believe was not to spare me this experience but to lead me through it, accompanying me fully. Furthermore, I know God will work good through this. (Rom. 8.28)

I can live today to the fullest. I truly believe I honour God as I do so. Furthermore, I am obedient to Him in my living this way.

And tomorrow remains a mystery. It rises before me as an adventure. I look forward to it, but I will not anticipate. For God’s plans for me are greater than anything I could come up with. (Jer. 29.11)

Yes, at all times and in all things I am with Him – and peace and love abide.

Loving Father,
I thank You for all the yesterdays, for Your hand upon me and Your presence guiding me. Likewise I thank you for today, and I relish spending the day in Your company. In trust I look forward to tomorrow for my trust, my full trust is in You. I know You will not let me down, but bring good things to pass as we journey together. I thank You, in love.            Amen.

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