As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master,
as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes look to the LORD our God,
till he shows us his mercy. Psalm 123.2
The slave is totally at the mercy of his master. The maid is dependent on the generosity, or otherwise, of her mistress. These are clear, unequivocal positions. The dependence of the one upon the other is virtually absolute.
Is it this way between myself and God? The psalmist is saying that I should be as reliant upon God as the slave is upon his master or the maid is upon her mistress.
I know this is what I want in my heart. I don’t know that I always seek it or allow it. But I can ask God for help.
Lord God,
I love You and I wish to devote myself entirely to You and Your will for my life. I’m not sure that I always act out in this leading. Where I don’t, I ask Your forgiveness.
I also ask for Your help. Please lead me and guide me. Lord, how do I get my life and my living to follow the deeper desires of my heart, which are totally Yours? How do I do this? What is the action for me? And what must I leave to You?
I surrender to You. I ask You to show me and to guide me.
You are the centre of my life. Without you, nothing would make sense. Precious Lord, I yield to You. I give over all that I am and all that I have to You, and I seek only Your will and Your way for me.
Be with me today. Lead me forward. Be in all that I do. Let me know Your presence with me. I love You, and just want to be with You.
Draw me close, in Jesus’ name I ask. Amen.
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