Wednesday, 26 December 2018


Let us come before him with thanksgiving 
and extol him with music and song.                    Psalm 95.2

The psalmist is extolling us to expressions of thanks and worship to God. He proceeds to tell us why we should be thankful and worshipful.

The LORD is the great God. My personal Lord, the being that draws me into intimacy, who loves me with the greatest love and who zealously guards and protects me, this same is God. He is supreme over all others who would seek to posture as gods. There is only ONE God, and this is my Lord and King.

My God is creator and master of all things. He holds the depths of the earth, the mountain peaks, the sea and the dry land.

He is all of this but He is also the one who cares for me in the most exquisite way. I am part of the flock that is more dear to Him than anything else. O, surely, I bow down in praise and worship before Him.

         Come, let us bow down in worship, 
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; 
for he is our God 
and we are the people of his pasture 
the flock under his care.                   (vv 6,7)

Lord God,
I bow down before You. I exalt Your holy and powerful name. I embrace Your love, mercy and grace toward me. I extol You to the highest heavens.
O great Creator, precious Father, You are all things to me. I stand in awe, but I also nestle up in love.
Wonderful, wonderful Saviour, I praise You, I bless you. I rejoice in my being with You.
         I love You.                     Amen.

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