There really isn’t a great deal to report on the medical front. I finished week 2 of treatment today, with one week to go next week. Then there’s a break before a review and possibly commencing the trial. I feel fine. Actually I feel so good, and it’s great to feel this way!
So, I shall revert to my standard practice of blogging from my Prayer Journal in the hope that God may speak through it. Here is today’s reflection.
Enoch walked with God, then he was no more, because God took him away. Gen. 5.24
There are but a handful of verses in the Scripture that tell us anything about Enoch. Yet what they tell us is powerful and exciting; it is challenging, and inviting.
Enoch walked with God.What more do we need to hear to liven us up, to bring joy into our lives, and to move us to want to follow Enoch?
Enoch walked with God. What does this mean? First and foremost, for me this means to give myself to go God’s way and not my own way. My words for this action are: I want to live to God’s agenda and not my own. Is there a difference? I believe most certainly so! God’s way may bring blessing to me, blessing perhaps in excess of any I might imagine for myself. God’s way might also bring trial and testing, even hardship, for God has plans for me, and I believe His plans – even at this stage of my life, are plans to grow me, to mature me and, hopefully, to use me in further ministry for Him.
During my recent hospital stay, I experienced a rather severe incident that, I thought, was unnecessary. It was extremely painful for me, and I wondered why God allowed it. I developed a lung infection which, over one night in particular, caused me to literally fight for breath. It was most alarming. I thought I was going to lose my life.
At the time I couldn’t understand why God was allowing this. I thought, “Lord, I should be getting better, but I’m deteriorating fast. Will I last the night out?”I did, of course, and some time later I came to believe that God allowed my condition to worsen so that the testimony of healing would be greater. Glory to God! His power is awesome, and His love is all-embracing, and filled to overflowing with life, health and great joy in Him. I know I’m healed. I go forward in healing into the fullness of His plan for me.
Most Loving Father,
I am constantly amazed by the journey I am on with You. You are truly loving of me and Your care of and for me is spectacular. I look to the ongoing journey, to further working with You, spreading the love and care. I cherish Your company, and give myself wholeheartedly to You.
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