Saturday, 5 May 2018


Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.             Proverbs 4.23

I will not be going home today or, maybe for a few days. The cardiologist duly arrived yesterday evening and, with just the start of his examination, announced, "your heart is fibrillating like crazy." Apparently, it was about twice the desirable rate. Thus began the next episode.

I now have a familiarity with many of the departments - and their staffs - at this hospital. Indeed, I wonder how many there might still be to visit. ( I certainly aim to avoid Maternity!). After much arranging and preparation, I was transferred from the Acute Assessment Unit to the Cardiology Ward at about midnight. I was exhausted. Because of the emergency - for such it was regarded - I was fitted with a heart monitor which will capture and record every detail for as long as I wear it. 

The night was long and difficult, and the morning brought no clear relief. After a special time with a church friend, the early afternoon saw me struggling, literally, for breath. I don't think I've previously known such a challenge. I cried out for relief and, just at that moment, another Christian friend arrived, who promptly prayed for me. My friend did not stay long as she saw the difficulty I was in. But the "mission" had been achieved. I often find myself reminding listeners of the power of prayer. Today, I needed to hold on to that power. As the afternoon progressed, so my breathing got easier. Together with this, medications have been adjusted and I look forward to further improvement tomorrow.

I can do what I am able to guard my heart. I believe that God is leading the medical teams in this place to overcome this present setback. And, of course, I have Him as the absolute Guardian of my heart.

The cancer treatment will probably not commence on Monday. Indeed, who knows what the situation will be by then? For now, I'm hoping for a decent sleep tonight and, tomorrow I will give myself into the good Lord's will for me.

Loving Father,
I think I "wobbled" momentarily last night. Forgive me. My trust is in You. I give myself into Your plans for me, whatever these might be.
I thank You for the improvement that I sense at this moment. I thank You for the joy of seeing the results of human endeavours working in conjunction with the power of heaven. I pray for all who may be suffering in any way, and for those who willingly offer help. May they all know the power of Your blessing.
Thank You, in Jesus name.

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