“For this is the covenant that I will make…
I will put My laws into their minds,
and I will write them on their hearts.
And I will be their God, …
For all will know me….
For I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”
Heb. 8.10 – 12
God has promised. He has furthermore promised on oath. A new covenant, a promise on oath between Almighty God and all who would turn to Him in sincerity.
Previously the Law had been placed in men’s minds. The Law which was given to Moses was taken into the minds of men. Very likely, most could quote the Law from memory such was its place in their minds. But the Law was not enacted in their lives! The way of living was not in accord with God’s Law. Why is this?
However deeply the Law was entrenched in the mind, if it was not taken into the heart, and fully taken in, then there would be no real outworking of it in lives. Such was the old!
But things have changed. Now there is a new covenant. And God has said HE will put His laws into my mind and HE will write them on my heart. This is good news, this is good news indeed! Only as I see and believe what God has promised and only as my heart is ready, at any cost, to claim and possess it, can any blessing be realised. But God is in this. He is fully in it with me. HE will do so much for me. He promises to put His laws in my mind and to write them on my heart. He promises on oath – and God is not a man that He should lie!!
If I allow God His way, He will fulfil His promises in such a way that His law will be my inner nature, my very life, and I will act according to it as naturally as I think or live. With God’s law written on my heart it becomes a part of me, and I become part with it.
Jesus is the mediator of this new covenant. He is the way and He is the guarantee. He is in heaven but He also dwells in my heart by faith. As I meditate on this and really, really take it into my being, I will begin to realise, and grow in a growing realisation, that the power of the endless life from the throne of God has taken possession of me.
Jesus is in me. He lives in me. God has written His law on my heart. What is my part in the fullness of the realisation of this presence and this power? I must wait in deep dependence, patient waiting, and implicit reliance on his might power.
I receive all that this writing tells me. Oh that You would write Your Law on my heart and, through Jesus, show me the way of endless life in Your Law. The Jesus that reigns in heaven in power and glory eternally also dwells in my heart here and now.
Lord God, I ask You for greater revelation of this in my life. Take me more and more, into the reality of this as You lead me on.
I believe I must wait on You in deep dependence. I must wait patiently and with implicit reliance on Your mighty power. Help me with this, Lord. Teach me to wait. Increase my willingness. Help me to lean on You and learn from You,
in Jesus’ name I ask. Amen.
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