Friday, 9 February 2018

Quick to listen

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.                                                                     Jas.1.19

James has already exhorted us to ask God if we seek wisdom. Here he gives us true pearls of wisdom.

Be quick to listen. How true and wise this is! We live in a world where listening has become something of a conundrum. There is a vast difference between professed listening and true listening. People say, “I am listening” when, in reality, they are simply waiting to put their point of view.

True listening requires us to give the speaker our undivided attention. It calls us to focus on what they are saying and to see it in the context of their circumstances. What we experience or think should not enter into the process. When we listen, we give ourselves fully to their story.

Having thus listened, and reflected seriously on what we have heard, we may then be placed to comment or make contribution.

Thus we become slow to speak, but our well-thought out response will be respectful (for we have truly listened) and will, most likely, be helpful.

Along the way we may be tempted to display anger. I believe that focused listening – and the understanding that comes with it – coupled with genuine and unhurried reflection, will dissipate anger. We may also make a determination not to get angry.

Lord Jesus,
I thank You for the wisdom James demonstrates in these words. Help me to take time to truly listen to the other person. Let me not react instantly, but reflect on what they say and understand the impact on them. May my response be helpful, and without anger.

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