Thursday, 15 February 2018

No favouritism

My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favouritism.                                                                                                                                   Jas. 2.1

James follows this verse with a very clear example of a rich man and a poor man entering a meeting. The rich man is not to be shown special favour, nor is the poor man to be discriminated against. To do so would make the perpetrators judges with evil thoughts. (v4)

God has no favourites (Rom. 2.11) He loves all people equally. This is most wonderful news. Whatever inequality might arise in our worldly status, we are all equal in His eyes. No one person can say, “God loves me more.” What I can say however – and I rejoice greatly in this – is that “God loves me so much.” He really does, and I am deeply, deeply grateful.

God does not indulge in favouritism, and He calls us to follow Him. This may not be easy at times. There may be some people whose natural demeanour I find difficult to accept. That I am called not to show favouritism means that neither must I show prejudice. I cannot disdain people. I may need to be forgiving. Indeed, Jesus set the perfect example in this when He called on the Father to forgive those who wrongly persecuted Him and put Him to death.

Following Jesus is no easy task. I will not achieve this on my own. I need his input. Thankfully, He is with me. He has promised never to leave me nor forsake me.

Loving God,
You call me to follow You and to show no favouritism. At times I find this difficult. Help me, please. Strengthen me and equip me, in love, to do this.                     Amen.

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