Saturday, 17 February 2018

Poor, but rich!

Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love Him?                                                                                                                                         Jas. 2.5

I sense James’ heart and feeling for his fellow Christians in the way he says, my dear brothers”. Here is someone who cares. His words are to be heeded.

He reminds us that the ones seen as poor in the eyes of the world have been chosen by God to be rich in faith. Not only this, but they will inherit the kingdom.

Here is a direct challenge to what we might consider to be riches. I have long since ceased to marvel at the riches of the world. The accumulation of wealth, assets and power holds no appeal for me whatsoever. Such things are extremely transient. They can be destroyed by moth and rust (Matt. 6).

But faith is something else. Faith is my connection with God. And it is a most wonderful connection. I am with Him. What does this mean to me? It is peace, contentment, joy, company – the most wonderful company, assurance and affirmation. I enjoy a wonderful sense of fulfilment. It is as if I truly know who I am. I have no need of worldly wealth or power.

There is the promise of a rich heavenly inheritance. This does not concern me at this present time. What is significant today is that He is with me. I am alive, and well, in Him. Today’s way is sufficient for me. I give myself to Him in it.

Precious Lord,
You have blessed me with a new day. I rejoice in it. I give the day to You. I open myself to You. Guide me through this day. Have Your way in me. May we enjoy each other as we journey together.                Amen.

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