Saturday, 16 September 2017

Where does my strength come from?

I can do all things through him who give me strength.                                      Phil. 4.13

Paul is again speaking out of his relationship with Christ. All that assails him he can get through in the strength that God gives him. Everything that is placed before him he can accomplish or overcome as he looks to Jesus for his strength.

This verse has held significance for me for some time. But today, as I read it, a new thought comes to me. And this is that I really need to be careful who I look to for strength.

I refer to the letter to the Hebrews where the writer urges me to fix my eyes on Jesus. Paul fixed his eyes firmly on Jesus. After his dramatic experience on the Damascus road, he devoted his focus and his whole life to Jesus.

I have chosen to follow Jesus. I seek to keep my eyes fixed on Him. This is not always easy. The world offers many distractions. The “things of the flesh” are perennially seeking my attention. My own needs sometimes cause me to shift my focus from Him. And each time I work through a challenge I come out knowing that if I had trusted God all the way through without fail, I would have overcome so much more easily and readily.

Trusting God requires me to focus on Him, to fix my eyes on Jesus, and to look to Him for the strength I need in all things. Some lessons seem to take a long time to learn. Pray God this will not mean a lifetime!

Holy God,
I want You to strengthen me. In all things I seek the strength that You alone can give me. I know a mark of Jesus to be His incredible peace. May I know this peace as a sign of Your strength being given to me? I love You and yearn to please You.             Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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