Thursday, 14 September 2017


I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.                                                                                Phil. 4.11

Paul has expressed his gratitude to the Philippians for their care and their gifts. He is genuine and sincere in his thanks. So, when he says here that he is not in need, he is not rejecting or minimising their love and their efforts for him. They still have his utmost thankfulness.

What he goes on to say puts his first remark in context. He is not in need because he has learned to be content in each and every circumstance and condition that he finds himself in.

I think this is a most wonderful thing. Contentment I see as the ability to say, “It’s OK! I may be in need, I may be in want, I may be suffering, but all is well within me. My soul is at peace. I am yoked to Jesus and I have learned, nay I am still learning, His way.”

I have begun to experience an inner sense of contentment in recent years. It is not complete, but it is sufficiently present for me to be encouraged to allow it to grow in me. I think, maybe, this is what Paul experienced. I am not satisfied, for there are things I would still like to achieve. I think this is good. For as long as I am on earth I need to be un-satisfied. This carries me. If I am satisfied, what is there to live for?

But I am content, and learning to grow in contentment. As I read, understand, and begin to connect with Paul, he helps me in this.

Lord God,
I am encouraged by Paul. I thank You for him. I thank You also for the contentment I presently experience. I ask You to lead me in further contentment in the peace of Jesus and the power of the Spirit.                Amen.

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