in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Phil. 4.4
exhortation is all embracing. His cry to us is to rejoice – always! Whatever
the circumstance we face, whatever might be going on for us, Paul says “Rejoice”.
This might
appear to be a tall order, a big ask, but is it really?
I see rejoicing
as Spirit led rather than emotion driven. My emotions can lead me into doubt,
dismay and self-pity. But if I am focused on Christ and surrendered to His Holy
Spirit, I will see Him with me in all circumstances and situations. I am not
alone. He is with me. The burden is shared. The grief is not solely mine. Light
comes into the darkness as I allow it to flow.
I cannot do
this when I function purely out of my human state and emotional reactions. I
need to transcend that place. If I can bring myself to focus on Jesus and allow
Him to enter into my pain or trial to the greatest degree I am able, then I can
know He’s with me. He will comfort me and lift me up. I can reach a place in
Him, with Him, where I rejoice.
This may not
be easy, but I can do it if I focus on Him. Paul sees great importance in this,
for he repeats himself: I will say it again: Rejoice!
In all things I am
called to rejoice. As with everything, I sense I need His help in this.
Dear Lord,
Today it is not difficult for me to rejoice.
I am rested and all seems well in life. I thank You.
All days may not be as today is. I ask for
Your help when the way gets rough and the journey gets tough. I know You are
there for me. May I readily remember this as I need to.
I love You and I thank You, in Jesus. Amen.
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