The grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. Phil. 4.23
Here’s another
short verse that opens up a whole array of wonder and blessing. Paul very
simply prays the grace of Jesus on the Philippians.
The grace of Jesus
is immense. It is all embracing and totally releasing. Nothing is impossible
when the grace of God is released, and this is what is given to us through our
Lord Jesus Christ.
This grace
that Paul spoke of to the Philippians is available to each and every one who
receives Jesus as Saviour and Lord. It is all sufficient. It is enough: My
grace is sufficient for you (2 Cor. 12.9).
I live in the
grace of God. I choose to live this way and I would not have it any other way.
I could rely on my own strength and ability, but I know this would only take me
so far. Yes, I use my God given abilities and I go forward in the strength that
God has given me. But I do not restrict myself to these. I know there is more
for me, and the more is in Him. I give my utmost to reaching that right balance
between what I am meant to do in my own enabling and then looking to God for
what only He can do, and what I can do only in Him. I don’t always get the
balance right. I need to persevere.
situation is a new challenge. But as I cultivate the practice of fixing my eyes
on Jesus, and keeping them fixed on Him, then I progress in achieving the
balance I need, first in my spirit, then flowing through into my body and my
Dear Lord Jesus,
I look to You. Yours is the only way I want to go.
Lead me in Your way. Journey with me, in Your precious name I ask. Amen.
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