Thursday, 25 May 2017


From booty won in battles they dedicated gifts for the maintenance of the house of the LORD.                                                                                                                             
          1 Chron. 26.27

This is an interesting verse that causes me to ponder. My first thought is: How would God feel about the spoils of war contributing to the upkeep of His holy house? How would God feel about His people waging war? Then I’m faced with the contra thought that God may even have sent His people into battle. Indeed, the annals of the Old Testament would have us believe that God sent His chosen ones into battle many times. And there are times when hundreds of thousands of casualties occurred. There are other accounts of God appeasing His wrath by annihilating great numbers of His own people when these same appear to be in rebellion or disobedience.

All of this is apparently contradicted in the New Testament with Jesus’ message of peace and grace.

So, what’s going on? Do we follow a schizophrenic God? Despite these seeming contradictions, I don’t think so! In all of this I see the pursuit of righteousness, and God’s working to restore fallen mankind to a state of holiness. Jesus advocated a way of openness. We do wrong and we know that we have done so! The way, then, is to confess our faults and seek restoration by our holy yet forgiving God.

To me, this is eminently preferable to hiding my sin and trying to get away with it, only to be shot down by an angry God.

Almighty God,

I do not understand You. I don’t think it pleased You in any way to annihilate so many. But this is Your business not mine.

I come to You as a sinner. Some sins I am most conscious of. In other areas I may be unaware of my failings. I lay all my sins before You, both known and unknown, and I humbly seek forgiveness, in Jesus’ name.           Amen.

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