Monday, 29 May 2017

All things

Joab son of Zeruiah began to count them, but did not finish; yet wrath came upon Israel for this, and the number was not entered into the account of the annals of King David.   1 Chron. 27.24                                                                                                           

On an earlier occasion (ch 21), David had attempted a census of Israel. In so doing he incurred God’s wrath. Now Joab begins a count and, again, wrath comes upon Israel.

The message is clear. God does not want us to boost our confidence by counting those who are on our side. God’s way is a way of trust. He wants us to trust Him. All we will ever need we will find in God. I am called to trust Him in this. But I am also to trust Him for timing as well as for provision. God not only knows what I need, He also knows when I need! I see my part in this as sticking close to God. As I seek Him in all things and as I press in to find and to follow His way, together we will forge a partnership.

I am reminded of the inseparable partnership I see when I am yoked with Christ. This is the way to go. I am not a sole trader that I must work it out on my own. I am half of a very special, and most wonderful, partnership. My partner happens to be capable of anything. Nothing is impossible for Him. And when I am yoked to Him, all things become possible for me.

How glorious is this! I take on afresh today my commitment to Him. I place my faith, trust and obedience in my mighty and loving God.

Great God, Precious Father,

I come to You in trust and submission. I give myself to go Your way. I humbly express my gratitude that You have chosen me. I respond in obedience.

Yet I am human. Lord, help me to remain faithful. Convict me by Your Holy Spirit when I am tempted to stray. May I know the joy of walking with You, and may our journey together be blessed and fruitful.               Amen.

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