Sunday, 21 May 2017


When David was old and full of days, he made his son Solomon king over Israel.
                                                                                                                        1 Chron. 23.1

David knew when it was time to hand over. The narrative tells us, in some detail, how he organised the priests and the Levites into the service of God. So it seems to me that David knew the work that he was to complete and then he was to hand over. In earlier passages in the book we read something of how David prepared Solomon for the work that lay ahead for him.

I see vital lessons here that all leaders can benefit from. Without any specific order of priority these are: to know what you must do; to know when to give up and hand over; and to prepare a successor for the role you are vacating. Modern history has well illustrated non-compliance with all three of these criteria, and the dire consequences that ensue.

We see leaders who do not fulfil what is required of them. We suffer from leaders who do not know when to give up. And we experience the trials and difficulties that come when adequate succession has not been provided for.

I think the above guidelines are particularly pertinent to Christian leadership. For me, David demonstrates God’s way. The recording of these aspects in the Holy Scriptures indicates further to me that this is to be heeded. And how different society might be if we did things God’s way!

Holy Father,

My prayer is that I may know the extent of what I am to do while on this earth, and carry it out to the best of my enabling. May I also know when it’s time to stop. And, if I am to hand over any ongoing function, may I prepare a suitable successor. I ask You to show me these things, to lead me and enable me to work to fulfilment, to Your praise and glory.


My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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