Then Jesus
said, “There was a man who had two sons.” Luke 15.11
The parable of
the Prodigal Son says it all. Both sons were disobedient to the father. They
followed their own will and not his. In actions totally contrary to all Ancient
Middle East practices, the father demonstrated his remarkable love for both his
sons, by going out to meet them.
He met the
younger son and welcomed him home in princely manner. He went out to meet the
older son and pleaded with him to enter into the celebrations. Both sons
dishonoured their father. Both received the father’s love and not his
By this
wonderful story Jesus shows us the way of our Heavenly Father. He is there for
us. As was the fictional father with his son, so our real Father is on constant
lookout for our return to Him. He comes to meet us. Indeed, He rushes to us to
welcome us back into our wonderful family. When we are disobedient, as the
older son was, He comes to us to reason and restore. His way is as foreign to
worldly ways as were the actions of the parable father against the customs and
practices of the Middle East.
This is the
way of love. It is often confounding to the world. It may be threatening to
many who are enmeshed in worldliness. But it is the Father’s way. He calls us to
love without limit, as He loves. He wants us to live in an atmosphere and
environ of love. If we are genuine in our response, we will embrace His way of
love, and live it to the full.
Holy Father,
I want to live the way of love. I embrace it with my
feebleness and limitedness. Take me and lead me on. May I know the prodigal
nature of the Father’s love. May I share it, spread it, and enjoy it, in Jesus’
name I ask. Amen.
My book “God Talk” is available through major
Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in
the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").
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