Thursday, 5 January 2017


And again he said, “To what should I compare the kingdom of God? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened.”
                                                                                                                              Luke 13.20,21

Yeast will infuse and infect every part of the flour with which it is mixed, but it is facilitated by the woman’s action to mix it thoroughly in and introduce it to every particle of flour.

So will God work in me! As I open myself to the Gospel message and receive Jesus as Saviour and as Lord, so the Kingdom of God begins in me. But God does not come in just once, and leave it at that. He wants me to live in the fullness of His Kingdom, and this can be quite amazing, even while I live on this earth.

God will work in me, constantly and progressively, to bring me into the fullness of Kingdom life. At different stages I might see those parts of me that have entered the Kingdom, and I may be aware of the me that still needs leavening.

God embraces me as a whole being and His desire is for me to be wholly His. As always, I can choose. I can make the choice to remain in the world. I can choose to give myself to Him, but not fully. Or I can abandon myself completely to His love, His work of leavening and His changing of me into a wholly Kingdom being.

This latter is my choice. There are times when I am acutely aware of His leavening in me, sometimes painfully so. This is good, because He is drawing me closer to Him in love, and releasing in me the person He created me to be.

Loving God,

I marvel that You want all of me. I give myself freely to Your will and way for me. Work, please, in the whole of me. Minister to every part of me to release me from the things I don’t need and to bring me to the fullness of who I am in You. I thank You, in Jesus’ name.                                                                                                                                                    Amen.

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