Sunday, 29 January 2017


Then Jesus said to the disciples, “There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was squandering his property.”                         Luke 16.1

Jesus shares another parable. This time He talks of the responsibility that attaches to a commission. The manager had been employed by the rich man to look after his property. It was not the manager’s place to decide whether or not his master is worthy of his good management. He had been commissioned simply to look after the other man’s property. And so he must!

I see myself commissioned by God to follow Christ and to obey His commandments. I see myself called to a lifestyle of love, forgiveness and grace. I see all believers called in similar way. I also see myself commissioned to share God’s ways with others, and I see this as requiring particular application by me. I am not at liberty to squander the things of God that He has commissioned me to share. When I give His Word, I must do so diligently, seeking His message and remaining ever alert to what He might say. My life in general is to reflect Jesus’ influence on me and not be consumed by my own ego. My encouragement of others is to look to Him.

The manager was called to give account of his doings. I believe that I will one day be called to give account. I pray I might hear those words, “Well done, my boy, I’m pleased with you.”

Dear God,

My desire is to be true to You and what You would have of me. I do not wish to squander anything that You entrust to me.

I pray for an openness in my being to receive all that You would grant me. I ask for wisdom to know Your ways for me, and courage to walk fully in those ways. I pray this in Jesus’ name.                                                           Amen.


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