Jesus answered
him, “You would have no power over me unless it had been given you from above;
therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”
John 19.11
What a picture
these words create in my mind. Jesus is before Pilate. He is dishevelled,
bruised, and battered. He is the picture of the victim. Pilate is the supreme
ruler. He is in control. He can speak life or death over Jesus.
Then Jesus
reminds him where his power comes from. Ultimate authority rests in heaven. I
formulate in my mind this picture of the scene presented by Jesus and Pilate
with the greatest care. I see the seemingly vanquished and the apparent
overlord. And I realise the truth: worldly power is granted by heavenly
authority. I am strongly reminded of who is really in control.
I am
encouraged. I look, not to the things of this world, but to the things above.
Whatever circumstances I might find myself in, the truth is that the heavenly
ruler is in control.
There is
another aspect of this proposition for me to consider. And this is when control
is vested in me. I have a responsibility to exercise any control given to me with
the utmost care and with due diligence to the heavenly powers. The authority
that Jesus exercised in His life was undergirded by compassion, love and grace.
I need to be likewise motivated. Whether I exercise control, or experience it
exercised against me, I need to keep my gaze fixed on Him above.
Mighty God,
I am reminded that You are in ultimate authority. All
power is Yours. May I remember this when I am likely threatened by worldly
powers. May I honour You in the exercise of any power that might be granted to
me. You are there. And You are always for me, never against me. Thank You,
Lord. Amen.
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