Jesus answered,
“My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my
followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But
as it is, my kingdom is not from here.” John
How wonderful
it is that our entry into the kingdom of heaven is freely given. Furthermore,
there will be no fights there. Meanwhile the citizens of God’s kingdom may well
have to work hard in this world to maintain the integrity that befits a
follower of Jesus. This cannot be done in a “worldly” way. The way of the world
is confrontation, and sometimes fisticuffs. The way of Jesus is the way of love
and compassion. It is a way that requires greater strength and resolve of
character than the ways of much of society.
I may not have
within me the strength and determination to stand strong if serious opposition comes.
Yet I am called to follow Jesus. He has given me the Holy Spirit as Comforter,
Counsellor and Guide. My strength will come from Him. When I am weak then He is
strong and His grace will lead me through. This is something I need to
remember, for times of trial might well come. I may not have to stand before
authorities as Jesus did. But, whatever befalls, let me remember that He
persevered, He overcame, and He made the way for me.
Gracious Lord Jesus,
I am mindful of what You experienced and suffered
during Your time on this earth. But You endured and overcame. And the goal that
You won is for me. You have won for me citizenship of the Kingdom of God, life
eternal. I thank You.
I pray to be a good witness to You. I seek strength
and enabling in You. Your grace truly is sufficient for me. I receive it with
gratitude. I embrace You, Lord, and ask You to carry me through, in Your most
powerful name. Amen.
My book “God Talk” is available through major
Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in
the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").
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