Monday, 26 December 2016


“And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?”                         Luke 12.57

This might appear to be a somewhat basic question by Jesus, and in many cases I’m fairly sure that we do judge what is right, be it consciously or sub-consciously.

I would follow this question with others, such as, “Why don’t you admit to yourselves what is right?” and “Why don’t you follow through in what is right?”

It seems to me that we well know what is right, and what is not right. But we do not always take the course of the right action. Why is this? It might be pride that keeps us from admitting a foolish thought or deed. It might be fear of losing face or, even worse, of losing friends, status or power.

Yet God knows all the failings and inconsistencies in me. He sees all of my warts, and yet He declares His love for me. If God can live with my weaknesses, then I ought to be able to own up to them and be willing to deal with and dispose of them.

It takes courage to face up to a failing. But the act of bringing a hidden thing into the light disables the hold that whatever the “thing” might have over us. God’s light is amazing! Not only will it disempower anything that keeps us from a fuller life in Him but, if we will allow it, it will cleanse us and lead us into His promise and fulfilment.

I would like to live in right judgment and the actions that follow therefrom. I can start with the interaction between myself and God. I can be honest with Him in my thinking, speaking and doing. When I am genuinely unsure, I can seek His direction and revelation.

What I practice may then extend to others. May I always endeavour to see the right in any situation and, if I need to, may I be ever ready to apologise, to seek forgiveness, and to look to bring restoration. I will not always get it right, but I can give myself earnestly to this way of life. And I can know that God will always be there to help and support me. He will be for me in this. He will delight in my decision.

Lord God, Mighty and Righteous,

What is right is important to me. I do try to be honest and true, but this reading has moved me to re-commit to this, and to seek Your help in the path ahead. Not only do I want to judge what is right, I want to follow through, living out the right way as fully as I can. I realise my human weakness will hinder me, but I know I can turn to You. I ask You, then, to work with me please. Bring conviction to me when I am tempted to stray, remind me of the right way, and strengthen me in Your Spirit to obedience. Help me, Lord, in Jesus’ name I ask.   Amen.

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