Sunday, 30 October 2016


Jesus therefore no longer walked about openly among the Jews, but went from there to a town called Ephraim in the region near the wilderness, and he remained there with the disciples.                                                                         John 11.54

Jesus is effectively in hiding. John tells us clearly that the authorities were after Him and had given orders that anyone who knew where Jesus was should let them know, so that they might arrest him. (v57)

At the wedding feast in Cana, Jesus had said to Him mother, “My hour has not yet come.” (John 2.4) His hour had still not arrived, though it was considerably closer than at that earlier time in Cana.

Jesus walked closely with the Father. He walked so closely, so absolutely in tandem that He knew the Father’s timing, and He was totally given over to the Father. In just a little while, after meeting with some enquiring Greeks, He would respond to Andrew and Philip, “The hour has come…” (John 12.23) He was most wonderfully in time with the Father and the Father’s will.

Just recently I have felt flat, even a little dry. I’m asking, “Where is God? What is He doing in my life? Why do I feel unused and redundant?” I think I have more to learn about God’s timing. And I certainly can learn more from Jesus about trusting God and giving myself to live so close to Him as to know His needs of me.

Lord God,

I thank You for this lesson today. I discern that Jesus was at ease with hiding, with biding His time because the hour had not yet come. May I do likewise, and rest in You. I am reminded of those times when Jesus withdrew. He maybe found a solitary place on a mountainside where He could commune with You. Let me utilise these times of apparent inactivity, to draw aside and seek You out, to give myself to You in sweet communion. Draw me, Lord, I’m waiting on You. Hallelujah!           Amen.

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