Jesus said, “I came into
this world for judgment so that those who do not see may see, and those who do
see may become blind.” John 9.39
The blind man has received his
sight – a physical miracle. But something deeper has also occurred. He has been
party to the spiritual miracle of receiving Jesus as Lord.
In this verse, Jesus claims to
have come into the world for judgment. I ponder on this present context. This
situation seems to concern the healed man on one side and the Pharisees on the
other side. The man’s witness is clear. He has been healed. He has experienced
a miracle, and he declares the miracle worker to be a prophet. The Pharisees,
in contrast, are more concerned with branding Jesus as a sinner because He
violated their rules by healing a man on the Sabbath.
We convey a lot through our
actions and reactions. The innocence of the healed man stands against the
judgmental, almost vindictive, attitude of the religious authorities. Is Jesus
judging these people?
It could be expected that the
Pharisees would see. But their prejudices and pettiness have blinded their
eyes. And the consequences were wider than their own small beings. Certainly,
they missed out, and their attitude surely caused bitterness to come into their
nature and life. Jesus was a marked man due to their hostility and venom. And
the healed man was hounded and likely victimised. This could all be part of
what Jesus judged.
I pray that I will follow the
attitude of the healed man. He received, and he was grateful. This is fine by
Lord Jesus,
You touched the life of the blind man and he saw so much in
consequence. He was grateful to You. I pray that You will continue to touch my
life and bring me to a seeing – of more and more of that which is good in You.
May I be ever grateful, and may my testimony be positive and open about Your
wonderful involvement in my life. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
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