Sunday, 23 October 2016

Resurrection life

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live.”                                                                     John 11.25

My first reaction to these words is akin to that of Martha, judging by her response to Jesus. We know He is the resurrection and I believe that, after I die, I will live the resurrected life with Him.

But I am reminded of another, more immediate, impact of these words. I believe in Jesus and I know Him to be the resurrection and the life, and this resurrected life is available to me, in perhaps limited form, from the moment I receive Jesus. As I die to myself, and my own desires, limitations and sinful ways, I can live in Him.

The Scriptures give me much encouragement in this. Matthew reminds me that Jesus is with me always, to the very end of the age. The writer to the Hebrews endorses this: He will never leave me nor forsake me. This writer further exhorts me to fix my eyes on Jesus. All of this together gives me every opportunity to live in Him. And He is now risen, exalted, and glorified. It is this resurrection life that He calls me to.

I have suggested resurrection life might be limited in this world. By this I mean I will not know it as fully as when I enter eternity and see Him face to face. But, whilst on earth, I must not seek to limit this life but look for it in fullness. This is the life He has for me. Let me be willing to receive it in fullest measure.

Lord Jesus, 

I  hear You say to me, “I am the resurrection and the life – for today!”

Yes, dear Lord! I say “Yes” and “Yes” again. I open myself to You to receive the fullness of what You have for me today. I give myself to You for whatever this day will bring in Kingdom living. May I hear You, see You and be obedient to all that You would of me. Lead on, let us journey this day in glorious company together.       Amen.

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