Sunday, 31 July 2016


John answered, “No one can receive anything except what has been given from heaven.”                                                                                                                John 3.27

This statement is reflective of many in the Scriptures. They are there, but hardly noticeable. We read them, but do we really take in what they say? Do we ponder the depth of truth that they contain?

Another view of what John is saying, maybe, is to express it as: everything you have comes from Heaven. Everything Good, that is. And how true!

Salvation comes from God. Only God can forgive our sins. Certainly we can, and need to, forgive each other if wrong occurs, but only God can remove the stigma of sin from our lives.

Natural talents and supernatural giftings alike come from God. And how He uses these in us to bless others! As we do, we are wonderfully blessed ourselves.

Another of the great gifts of heaven is faith. I see faith most definitely as a God-given gift, and I pray for a good measure, a great measure of this gift.

There are many other gifts, which I might group under the heading of “answered prayer”. Jesus invites me to ask. He tells me that, if I ask in His name, if my request is in line with God’s character and being, then I will receive. But I must believe for that which I ask. This involves me in the process, and I’m only just getting clearer understanding in this matter of asking, in faith. I shall persist, and give thanks to God for every good gift He blesses me with.

Mighty and Gracious God,

I thank You for the wonderful gifts You have blessed me with – the power of salvation and the promise of eternal life. I thank You for this present life and the new day You have given me. I thank You that I can come to You in humble request and belief. I ask for an increase in faith, and that it will continue to increase.

Jesus knew You and understood how You could truly do anything. I want this also. I ask You to lead me progressively to this.

I ask, believing, in Jesus’ name.          Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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