Saturday, 16 July 2016


From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.                       John 1.16

John tells us clearly in the first verse of his gospel, that Jesus is God. This man who walked the earth was God Himself. His humanity was filled with divinity. Nothing was impossible to Him (Matt. 19.26). He enjoyed all authority, in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28.18). This was fullness. He lacked nothing, nothing at all.

And it is from this fullness that we receive. When I turn to Jesus the entire power and provision of heaven is the repository from which I receive. Gosh, I need to get hold of this! It’s all there for me because He has it all, and He is for me.

What is grace? The definition I like is “unmerited favour”. Favour is that quality which places me in the most special place, a place where I am affirmed, supported, strengthened, provided for, and loved. And it has nothing to do with my deserving. God has everything at His command, and He gives to me because of who He is and not who I am.

Furthermore, John reminds me, I receive grace upon grace. This is no “one-off” gesture. There is no ceasing or diminishing to God’s grace. I have a picture of rollers breaking on a beach. As one wave comes crashing in, and dies, so the next wave overtakes it. So I see God’s grace. It is ever-active, ever-giving, ever-blessing. I don’t deserve it, but His love for me assures me of His giving.

Holy God,

I feel small and humbled by the thought of Your magnificent love and grace to me. I thank You for all that You have done in my life, and continue to do. I know I am not deserving.

I am sorry for those times when, I know, I disappoint You. Forgive me, please. In truth, Your love moves me to want to be better. I pray Your grace will help me.

Thank You, O thank You.                         Amen.

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