Friday, 22 July 2016

"Come and see"

Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”                                                                                            John 1.46

When the two disciples of John the Baptist had questioned Jesus, His response to them had been, “Come and see.” They came, they saw and they remained with Him. The context of the narrative tells us they remained with Him that day, but we know they stayed with Him beyond that day, becoming part of His faithful band of followers.

The next day, Jesus called Philip to follow Him. Philip, in turn, told Nathanael who responded with a querying of Jesus’ origin in Nazareth. Philip’s simple response was, “Come and see.”

I have been called to follow Jesus, and I eagerly do so. I have also been commissioned to go into the world, into all the world, and make disciples. But I don’t believe it’s my work to convert them. This is God’s sovereign work, and I will not presume to take it upon myself. Jesus says clearly, “No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me.” (John 6.44) Jesus saves, and He ministers salvation to those drawn to Him by the Father.

I might be used by God to invite people to “check out” Jesus, rather as Philip invited Nathanael. And, like Nathanael, they might be unconvinced, or even downright sceptical. My response is to simply extend the invitation to “Come and see.”

Just as Jesus opened Nathanael’s eyes with simple truth, so God will work today. The Father will draw whom He chooses to the Son. I may be privileged to work with them by inviting unbelievers to “Come and see.”

Mighty God,

I see a wonderful team at work with the Son being the way to the Father, yet no one coming to the Son unless drawn by the Father. There is certainty in this. Those chosen by You will come. And, should there be hesitation, and I am close by, I can join Your wonderful team with the simple invitation to “Come and see.” Thank You.        Amen.

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