Thursday, 19 May 2016


Do not fear, or be afraid;
have I not told you from of old and declared it?
You are my witnesses!
Is there any god besides me?
There is no other rock; I know not one.                                                          Isa. 44.8

I sometimes wonder about the strength and quality of my witness for Jesus. There are times when I sense that my testimony will not be received, indeed, it may well be ridiculed and scorned. I will not allow my God to be mocked, thus I am tempted to hold back in some cases.

But is this God’s way? He reassures me. He tells me neither to fear nor be afraid. He declares me to be His witness. I surely know Him as my one and only God. And I am devoted to Him. He has called me to be His witness. Let me therefore look to Him and seek His guidance in the matter, and the manner, of my witness.

I believe He will lead. I believe He will protect. And I know He is big enough and powerful enough to defend His own good name. Therefore I need not fear nor be afraid. As I travel, let me journey with Him. I have oft and long sought Him as my travelling companion. So, let me walk with Him, talk with Him, and speak of Him as naturally as I might of anyone who would be close to me. May I be a true witness to His love and presence in my life.

Dear Lord and Mighty God,

I lay before You my heart’s concern over the quality of my witness for You. I seek to cast aside all fear. I ask Your help.

Let me speak boldly, clearly and warmly about my relationship with You. Strengthen me to speak forth in the right way as circumstances require. Give me a gentle boldness that I might be authentic at all times.

Protect me, please, against mockers and knockers. Let me truly exhibit the love and grace that You have generously demonstrated in my life. I seek to be a good witness to Jesus. May You work with me in this, in Jesus’ name I ask.                         Amen.

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